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Does your business need a strong visual identity, a professional website, or effective marketing materials? We help you create everything you need to stand out and achieve your goals!

Vi skapar starka skräddarsydda lösningar: webbplatser, grafisk design, marknadsföringsmaterial, logotyper, FB företagsprofiler med mera. Maja´s Projects
Maja Elfström / Maja´s Projects - Vi skapar visuella identiteter, webbsidor, marknadsföringskampanjer, marknadsföringsmaterial för sociala medier och tryck, SEO optimerar din webbsida med mera...  Vi förenar strategi och design.

  Are you ready to stand out in the crowd and take your entrepreneurship to the next level?

I help entrepreneurs, writers, coaches, and speakers in areas where they fall short: brand identity and online presence.

We create strong tailored solutions: websites, graphic design, marketing materials, logos, FB company profiles, and more.


We help you build a strong brand through strategy and beautiful thoughtful design. Everything we do is focused on your and your customers' individual needs right now

and as your business grows.

Why? Because it stands out more in the crowd, shows your special strengths,

attracts customers, and guides them to buy.


Our package solutions make you stand out better on digital platforms 

and attract new customers.

Are you ready for a new beginning?



We combine strategy and well-thought-out design

Vi skapar starka skräddarsydda lösningar: webbplatser, grafisk design, marknadsföringsmaterial, logotyper, FB företagsprofiler med mera. Maja´s Projects


Whether you are a new entrepreneur or changing your brandidentity, we help you define your goals, find your voice, clarify your purpose and understand your customers.


We create your unique design language, across all your platforms digitally and in print, to build brand awareness, credibility, sales and loyalty.  



We help you bridge the digital divide between you and your audience by developing a website and FB business platform which appeals to your customers, is user-friendly and converts to successful meetings.

Vi skapar starka skräddarsydda lösningar: webbplatser, grafisk design, marknadsföringsmaterial, logotyper, FB företagsprofiler med mera / Maja´s Projects
Vi skapar starka skräddarsydda lösningar: webbplatser, grafisk design, marknadsföringsmaterial, logotyper, FB företagsprofiler med mera / Maja´s Projects
Vi skapar starka skräddarsydda lösningar: webbplatser, grafisk design, marknadsföringsmaterial, logotyper, FB företagsprofiler med mera / Maja´s Projects


Maja´s Projects - Vi skapar visuella identiteter (branding) , webbsidor, marknadsföringskampanjer, marknadsföringsmaterial för sociala medier och tryck, SEO optimerar din webbsida med mera...  Vi förenar strategi och design.

Why should you invest in BRANDING?

Because it's your company's business card.

Your potential customers judge you based on how you appear online and in print.  

A professional  Uniform impression shows your company's strengths and impresses your customers. Your customers will recognize you and thus be more likely to trust your company and shop more.  

Branding highlights your strengths in a stylish, attractive, charismatic and personal way.

We help you with your company's brand development with a sense of form and with thought and analysis. Through your branding, you create your brand and your reputation. 

Latest News / Blog / Inspiration

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